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[PC APP] Adobe Lightroom Classic 2022 v11.5.0 (x64) Pre-Cracked


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Aug 5, 2021
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Edit and organize your photos with the app that’s optimized for desktop. Lightroom Classic gives you powerful one-click tools and advanced controls to make your photos look amazing. Easily organize all your photos on your desktop, and share in a variety of ways.


Your best shots. Made even better.
Your photos don’t always reflect the scene the way you remember it. But with Lightroom Classic, you have all the desktop editing tools you need to bring out the best in your photographs. Punch up colors, make dull-looking shots vibrant, remove distracting objects, and straighten skewed shots. Plus, the latest release offers improved performance so you can work faster than ever.

- With better performance under the hood, Lightroom Classic lets you import photos, generate previews, and move from Library to Develop Module in record time.
- Use range masking tools to easily select the areas or objects you want to edit based on their color, luminance, or depth.
- Create HDR panos faster now that you can merge multiple bracketed exposures into multiple HDR photos and then stitch them into a panorama — all in one step.

The future of photography. Here today. Get to know Lightroom.
Go beyond the desktop and edit, organize, store, and share from anywhere with the cloud-based Lightroom photo service:

- Store and access your full-resolution photos in the cloud
- Find photos on any device fast with auto tagging
- Edit from any device using an intuitive, streamlined interface

Accelerate image-editing with GPU support
Use the GPU of your system to enhance image-editing experience.

Organize your collections with color labels
Color labels can be added for collections, collections sets, and smart collections.

Support for new cameras and lenses
Adds support for new cameras and lens profiles.

Other enhancements
Find information about PNG export, batch merge for HDR and panoramas, and other new enhancements in this release.

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