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Attack (2022) Hindi 1080p HD WEB


Girls in your city for night
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Aug 24, 2021
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In 2010 Arjun Shergill is on a mission to capture a terrorist Rehman Gul where he saves a young suicide bomber but captures Rehman Gul.12 years later while traveling in a flight Arjun meets an air hostess Ayesha and falls in love with her both are about to take their relationship further but a terrorist attack at the airport kills Ayesha leaving Arjun badly injured.Arjun is then left bound to wheel chair with only movement in his neck through news channels he finds that the attacker is Hamid Gul son of Rehman Gul whom he had saved 12 years back.The Indian intelligence chief Subramanium comes with the idea to introduce super soldiers operated by robotic means in Indian Army to save loss of lives during cause of war which are designed by Dr. Sabaha Qureshi.Subramanium chooses Arjun for this mission but while getting introduced to this process his chances of survival are minimal.Arjun manages survive the process and turns a super soldier who operates with command of IRA designed by Sabaha.

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