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[PC APP] Deep Freeze


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May 15, 2023
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Deep Freeze​


Deep Freeze makes your Windows indestructible. It protects endpoints by Freezing a snapshot of a workstation’s desired configuration and settings set by the IT Admin. With a simple reboot, any unwelcome or unwanted changes are removed from the system, restoring it to its pristine Frozen state. Deep Freeze provides ultimate PC protection that leverages ARD for deployment and management allowing IT Admins looking to secure their PCs and keep them running smoothly, without any restrictions.

It preserves your computer configuration. Any changes – either malicious or unintentional – are reversed on reboot. This is called Reboot-to-Restore where each reboot restores the computer to its desired configuration. Create virtual partitions to retain important data even if there is no separate physical partition available on the computer. Get enhanced security with protection for the Master Boot Record from rootkit injections and other alterations, making your security bulletproof. Deep Freeze uses patented technology to redirect information being written to the hard drive to an allocation table, leaving the original data intact.

Provide students with a flexible lab environment, where their learning can be taken to the next level, without any risk to computers. Prevent configuration drift and secure your public computers from malware that could cause data breaches. Erase session data and issues caused by multiple staff accessing patient data on COWs, with every reboot. Make your office computers even tougher. Revert system changes and the resulting issues caused by different actions with a simple reboot.

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