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Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016-2021 v2302 Build 16130.20218 (x64) Incl. Activator

May 15, 2023
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Microsoft has officially announced the availability of the final version of its Office 2021 release for Windows and Mac users. Following the release of the preview version in the first half of this year, the product has been refined and is now available to users. Office 2021 includes updated versions of apps from the suite, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, and Publisher.

Microsoft Office 2021 includes:
- Microsoft Office Mondo 2016
- Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016
- Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019
- Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2021
- Microsoft Office Professional 2016
- Microsoft Office Professional 2019
- Microsoft Office Professional 2021
- Microsoft Office Professional Premium
- Microsoft Office Standard 2016
- Microsoft Office Standard 2019
- Microsoft Office Standard 2021
- Microsoft Project Professional 2016
- Microsoft Project Professional 2019
- Microsoft Project Professional 2021
- Microsoft Project Standard 2016
- Microsoft Project Standard 2019
- Microsoft Project Standard 2021
- Microsoft Visio Professional 2016
- Microsoft Visio Professional 2019
- Microsoft Visio Professional 2021
- Microsoft Visio Standard 2016
- Microsoft Visio Standard 2019
- Microsoft Visio Standard 2021
- Microsoft Office Home Business 2016
- Microsoft Office Home Business 2019
- Microsoft Office Home Business 2021
- Microsoft Office Home Business Premium
- Microsoft Office Home Student 2016
- Microsoft Office Home Student 2019
- Microsoft Office Home Student 2021
- Microsoft Office 365 (Home Premium)
- Microsoft Office 365 (Education Cloud)
- Microsoft Office 365 Apps for Business
- Microsoft Office 365 Apps for Enterprise
- Microsoft Office 365 Small Business Premium

Office 2021 includes virtually every change that has been added to the suite of programs in Office 365 over the past 3 years, although some features remain exclusive to subscribers. In addition to the main programs Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook, which are available for both Windows and macOS, the Access and Publisher versions are only available for Windows and are included, as usual, only in premiums. Visio and Project for Windows are also available, although they are not part of the ongoing release of Office.

0. Disable your Windows defender or Antivirus. (Otherwise it'll cause problem during installation)
1. Download the MS Office.
2. Run "OInstall.exe" and select which MS Office you want to install.
3. Click on "Install Office"
4. Give it sometime and it'll install.
5. Now, to activate the MS Office.. within OInstall, go to "Utilities" tab and click- "Office RETAIL >= VL" button
6. It'll take sometime... have patience.
7. Now click on "Activate Office"
7. Wait for sometime.. it'll do its magic to activate office.
8. Boom! Product Activated.. Enjoy now.


You can also use activation script to acivate the MS Office
1. Go to "Alternative Activator" and extract the zip file.
2. Run the activator as admin.
3. Use it to activate your MS Office.


Last edited:
Support boss
Sna my exe kpo mkta n cp to laptop n PNG casting
Yown.. Thnks po ng Madami.. needed ko tlga to..
suporta d2 sir
NAtry ko na.. working talga,,, try nio din....

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