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Mortal Kombat - Unchained for PSP


Staff member
Active member
Aug 5, 2021
Reaction score
Mortal Kombat - is a nice game, on it I feel deserves a spot in anyone?s PSP assortment. the sport is a lot of or less like Mortal Kombat, with the addition of a few playable characters, a lot of stages and tons a lot of extras. Everything regarding the game is good, the sole very spectacular factor regarding the game is that the sheer amount of extras to unlock.

Graphics- they?re not bad, however they are not nice either. the faces of the
characters look bland and typically a small amount tousled. however ne?er something very bad. In Konquest Moe, everything appearance very nice, the environments area unit nice, the characters faces area unit still bland trying however, like I same before, nothing bad. There are not an entire heap of details, everything looks just about identical.

Storyline- As in all of the other Mortal Kombat games, the plot line is nice, if a bit onerous to follow. The Dragon King, Onaga, has came and is wreaking mayhem trying to require over all of those different realms. and our gullible hero, Shujinko, is unknowingly serving to him. it?s inventive, though it will get a bit confusing at times.

Controls- The fighting controls are nice, terribly swish and easy to use. during Konquest mode, the mode wherever you walk around and every one that, te controls area unit a small amount stiff. walking is finished using the little stump of a sway stick, which may be troublesome to use at times. however it very is not that bad.

Camera- The camera works like in most fighting game, it follows the fighters. however during Konquest it appears to merely swerve in some random direction for no apparent reason. you?ll use the L and R buttons to maneuver the camera, however there very is not a point because it?ll change as soon as you are taking a step. At some points, you cannot even see yourself and you have no plan wherever you?re.

Sound- It sounds nice. There aren?t any issues here. the voice acting is nice, so are all of the sounds of the?um, fighting. I say this because it feels like a fighting game. They grunt once hit and yelp after they attack. It?s nice.


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