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Ternet / Checkered Ninja


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Aug 5, 2021
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Part 1

Aske is an average boy in seventh grade who just wants a peaceful life without being bothered by obstacles he faces daily. He has a crush on a girl named Jessica, who is one grade above him. His nerdy best friend is Oddyseus, and is being bullied by a boy who attends a special ed class named Glenn. Aske has a strained relationship with his stepfather J?rn and stepbrother Sune. Aske's life turns upside down one day when he gets a ninja doll as a gift for his 13th birthday by Uncle Stewart, who was on a vacation in Thailand earlier. He soon finds out that the ninja doll was possessed by a spirit belonging to a Japanese samurai named Taiko Nakamura who committed ritual suicide (seppuku) to save humanity from evil. The doll teams up with Aske to avenge the death of a Danish businessman named Phillip Eberfr?, who beat a poor boy to death in a sweatshop in Thailand. This puts Aske and his new friendship with this doll to the test, getting themselves ready for an adventure Aske never has ...

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Part 2

Follow Alex and the Checkered Ninja who embark on a frantic hunt for the villain Phillip Eppermint, who has evaded a prison sentence in Thailand.

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